September Birthdays And Anniversaries+++

1. Happy Birthday Rachel Ragland/Darby – 9-3-2023

2. Happy Birthday Mariah Thompson – 9-7-2023

3. Happy Birthday Martha Ragland – 9-8-2023

4. Happy Birthday Millie Ragland – 9-8-2023

5. Happy Birthday Genice Beasley – 9-9-2023

6. Happy Birthday Lewis Beasley (Deek) – 9-13-2023

7. Happy Anniversary Shawn & Alexis Baker – 9-14-2023

8. Happy Anniversary Carolyn & Larry – 9-14-2023

9. Happy Birthday Jasiah E. M. Thompson – 9/19/2023

10. Happy Birthday Jazz (Aunt Valerie Son) – 9-21-2023

11. Happy Birthday Lewis Jr. (Mooky) – 9-22-2023

12. Happy Birthday Kim Ragland (Poochie) – 9-23-2023

13. Happy Birthday Phillip Crenshaw (Pookys Husband) – 9-24-2023

14. Happy Birthday Little Derrick (Uncle Charles Grandson) – 9-28-2023

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