October Birthdays & Anniversaries

Last Updated: October 27, 2023By

Look Who We Get To Celebrate This Month!

1. Happy Birthday Nolan Vaxter |Tyras son| 10-3-2023

2. Happy Birthday Jazmynee |Valeries grand-daughter| 10-4-23

3. Happy Birthday L.C. | 10-4-23

4. Happy Anniversary Karen & Randall | 10-8-23

5. Happy Birthday Rick Ragland | 10-8-23

6.Happy Birthday James Fields | 10-14-23

7. Happy Birthday Jonathan (Sharla’s son) | 10-15-23

8. Happy Birthday Daphney | 10-18-23

9. Happy Birthda Thomas (Rachel’s Husband) | 10-18-23

10. Happy Birthday Isaac (Caties Son) | 10-21-23

11. Happy Anniversary Tink & A.W. Franklin | 10-24-23

12. Happy Birthday Frazier (Marcy’s Husband) | 10-27-23

13. Happy Birthday Nadia (Liz’s Daughter | 10-30-23

14. Happy Birthday Aiden (James Fields’ son) | 10-31-23

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One Comment

  1. Martha Ella Ragland October 27, 2023 at 2:23 pm - Reply

    It’s a human error. You are forgiven.

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