Leonard’s Surprise Birthday Party

Last Updated: December 6, 2023By

I spent this past weekend with my in-laws. We celebrated Leonard’s (Marlina’s step-father) 70th birthday. This wasn’t just a casual birthday for Leonard. It was a “Very Special” birthday. Not because he turned 70 (although that is a special blessing). It was special because in 70 years, this was his VERY FIRST birthday party.  This year his wife, Marlina, and Marlina’s brother and sister decided to throw a surprise birthday party for him. To say the least… HE WAS SURPRISED! They got his sisters from New York to come up, his local friends, and a few faces he hadn’t seen in a while. He was so overwhelmed with Love, all he could do at times was bow his head and shed tears. This is what I call – “Joy From The Soul”.

As I’ve grown older, I’ve come to appreciate these moments. The material things God has blessed me with over time has brought some joy to my life. But, one of the BEST gifts I’ve experienced are the moments I get to spend with family. That brings an unexplainable level of joy to my soul. That being said, I understand your tears, Leonard. Happy Birthday. You’ve been blessed my friend!

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  1. Carolyn November 1, 2023 at 12:20 pm - Reply

    Absolutely awesome!

  2. Carolyn November 1, 2023 at 12:21 pm - Reply

    Absolutely awesome! Best way to enjoy a party

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