December Birthdays & Anniversaries

Last Updated: December 6, 2023By

Look Who We Get To Celebrate This Month!

Happy Birthday Ashley Vaxter (2023-12-11)
Happy Birthday Camren Beasley 2023-12-23)
Happy Birthday Christopher C.J. (2023-12-31)
Happy Birthday Christopher (2023-12-15)
Happy Birthday Elijah (2023-12-07)
Happy Birthday Jade |Uncle Charless grand-daughter|(2023-12-28)
Happy Birthday Joshua |Pookys son|(2023-12-17)
Happy Birthday Josiah |Pookys son|(2023-12-15)
Happy Birthday Kelly Ragland |ED|(2023-12-22)
Happy Birthday Latonya Fields(2023-12-02)
Happy Birthday Linda Ragland (2023-12-03)
Happy Birthday Mioka |Kims son| (2023-12-19)
Happy Birthday Nazira |Kims son| (2023-12-27)
Happy Birthday Pam Malone (2023-12-13)
Happy Birthday Ryleigh |Uncle Steves grand-daughter| (2023-12-24)
Happy Birthday Sharla (2023-12-23)
Happy Birthday Tayanna Curry |Dontes Daughter| (2023-12-09)

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One Comment

  1. Sharla December 3, 2023 at 11:58 am - Reply

    Happy Birthday to all the December Birthdays!!

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