April Birthdays & Anniversaries

Last Updated: April 24, 2024By

Look Who We Get To Celebrate This Month!

1. Happy Anniversary Balorie Pooky) & Phillip Crenshaw | 2024-04-02
2. Happy Birthday Jean Ragland | 2024-04-03
3. Randall Barbour (Karen’s husband) 2024-04-03
4. Happy Anniversary John & Linda Ragland 2024-04-03
5. Happy Anniversary Kimberly & Bass Diouf | 2024-04-06
6. Happy Anniversary Rachel Ragland & Thomas | 2024-04-09\
7. Happy Birthday Larry Compton | 2024-04-10
8. Happy Birthday Angela Fields (Colby’s wife) | 2024-04-13
9. Happy Birthday C.E. (Charles Jr.) | 2024-04-14
10. Happy Birthday John Ragland | 2024-04-16
11. Happy Birthday Taylor Ward | 2024-04-17
12. Happy Birthday Marcy Frazier | 2024-04-21
13. Happy Birthday Khady (Debbies Grandson) | 2024-04-25
14. Happy Birthday Damuri (Colby’s son) | 2024-04-25
15. Happy Birthday Quentin (Tonya’s son) | 2024-04-30
16. Happy Birthday Jamiya | 2024-04-30

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