They’re All Grateful!

Last Updated: July 13, 2023By

Earlier this year we had a 2023 holiday family gathering. As you can probably guess, I did what I always do. Made my way around to as many as I can to catch up, joke around and annoy! If you’ve been a victim of one of these moments with me, I can guarantee you the intent wasn’t to upset or embarrass you. The intent is simply to make you smile. If smiling is a side-effect of joy, then we AT LEAST created a brief moment in time you’ve enjoyed. Proverbs 17:22 says – “A joyful heart is a good medicine”.  Sometimes you need a prescription for the aches and irritations life and circumstances create.

So, no matter how “inconvenient” it may be. I challenge you to start taking advantage of family gatherings like this. Even a “teeny-weeny” bit of love will do more for you than you realize. This is why we say – “Family isn’t just an important thing. Family is everything”!


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