SEPTEMBER Birthdays & Anniversaries

Last Updated: September 16, 2023By

Look Who We Get To Celebrate This Month!

1. Happy Birthday Rachel Ragland/Darby – 9-3-2023

2. Happy Birthday Martha Ragland – 9-8-2023

3. Happy Birthday Millie Ragland – 9-8-2023

4. Happy Birthday Genice Beasley – 9-9-2023

5. Happy Birthday Lewis Beasley (Deek) – 9-13-2023

6. Happy Birthday Jazz (Aunt Valerie Son) – 9-21-2023

7. Happy Birthday Lewis Jr. (Mooky) – 9-22-2023

8. Happy Birthday Kim Ragland (Poochie) – 9-23-2023

9. Happy Birthday Phillip Crenshaw (Pookys Husband) – 9-24-2023

10. Happy Birthday Little Derrick (Uncle Charles Grandson) – 9-28-2023

11. Happy Birthday Seqouia (Pams Daughter) – 9-28-2023

12. Happy Birthday Deion (Uncle Charles Grand-son) Rest In peace – 9-30-2023

13. Happy Birthday Mariah Thompson – 9-7-2023

14. Happy Anniversary Carolyn & Larry – 9-14-2023

15.  Happy Anniversary Shawn & Alexis Baker – 9-14-2023

16. Happy Birthday Jasiah E. M. Thompson – 9/19/2023

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  1. Carolyn September 15, 2023 at 8:58 pm - Reply

    Happiest birthdays and anniversaries to September recipients! Love each of you!

  2. BaLorie Pooky Crenshaw September 24, 2023 at 10:24 am - Reply

    Happy birthday to the love of my life! Your presence brightens every day, and I’m grateful for all the joy you bring into my life. Here’s to many more amazing years together. I love you endlessly! ❤️

    Happy birthday Philly

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