Quentin’s Graduation

Last Updated: June 30, 2023By

Congratulations to Quentin (Tonya’s son) who recently graduated from Tennessee State University!! You have a big head-start on most young men your age!! Leave a gap between you and mediocre, leave a trail that goes upward and more importantly live a life that doesn’t stop learning and pleases GOD! We’re super proud of you!

” Quentin Graduated From HBCU Tennessee State University! Woo Hoo To God be all the glory ” !!



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  1. Carolyn June 30, 2023 at 3:00 pm - Reply

    So proud of my sweet grandson! And he had (and has) great support from his awesome mother! Love you both.

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    lbeasley June 30, 2023 at 5:27 pm - Reply

    Congrats Quentin the man!!!!!

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