July 2023 Family Gathering Recap

Last Updated: September 14, 2023By

NOTE: Scroll to the bottom for pictures. If you attended this event and have pictures, upload them here so we can add them to the post!

First and foremost, we have to give a HUGE thanks to Uncle Charles & Aunt Valerie Ragland. This weekend they hosted a family gathering at their home in South Carolina. Let me just say this. The inexorable planning, effort, detail and resources put into play was well calculated and executed. My jaw literately dropped when  I first pulled-up.  The number of people that showed up and the variety of events taking place all at once was fascinating. I think this has been one of “THE BEST” planned out family events yet. So, thank you Uncles Charles, Aunt Valerie and everyone else who helped pull this thing together. What an AMAZING experience. What an amazing Family!

If you missed this event, you missed a little bit of heaven. Family and friends from both Uncle Charles  & Aunt Valerie’s side  made up this event. At times I had no idea who I was even talking too, HOWEVER I knew I was talking to family. It was that kind of event. EVERYONE was family. The only thing that divided us, was the variety of events taking place (basketball shoot out, water-sliding, spades, music, story-telling, eating, gaming, and more). Sitting still was impossible.  I seen a variety of people of various color, shapes and sizes and the VIBE between us felt familiar. It felt like Family.

This year has personally been an eye opener for me. If I had 4 hands, I still wouldn’t have enough fingers to count how many people I knew and lost over the last two-in-a-half  years alone. The most recent being Frank (moms husband) and a close friend of mine that I worked and rode motorcycles with. NEVER have I experienced so many people die in a small window of time.

It reminded me that we all have one thing in common. We all have an UNKNOWN expiration date and to wait till were on our death bed’s to love and support each other is ludicrous. I understand we all have busy lives, but don’t become so busy making a living, you forget to make a life. I raise my hand to being guilty of that. I’m also actively changing that. I’ve been telling myself that I need to start visiting and growing closer to family and I was determined to live up to my word when this family event was announced.

While attending the event this past weekend my cousin Marcy said something to me that reminded me that  you and I have a GOD given obligation to family.  She said – “Deek, you never come down-south to Georgia“. The sad truth is…she’s right. I travel ALL over the country every month for work and/or vacation, but not so often for family and family events. 1 Timothy 5:8 says:

But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever“.

“Providing” includes contributing your time, contributing your support, contributing efforts and more importantly, contributing your love. Sometimes any of those can be a sacrifice, but isn’t that one of the greatest forms of Love?

Traveling to this event this weekend was a time sacrifice for me. I drove to Georgia Friday evening. Drove an additional 3.5 hours to South Carolina on Saturday. Turned around and drove back home on Sunday. That took some energy and sleep time from me. However, what I got in return is something energy and sleep could never provide. I challenge you to join me and make it an obligation to start showing up more often to our family events. Appreciate the small window of time we still have with each other RIGHT NOW instead of waiting until it’s too late and wishing you had.

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  1. Valerie Ragland July 26, 2023 at 9:46 am - Reply

    Hi Family,

    I just want to say that the Family Fun Day was sooooo much fun! It truly was an opportunity to live, laugh and love! I’m looking for to the next event when even more family members will be able to attend. It’s a blessing to be blessed with family. ❤️

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    lbeasley July 27, 2023 at 9:10 am - Reply

    I have to second that (what Valerie said). This was A LOT of fun. Even meeting new family members (spouses that I’ve never met, and Valerie’s side)felt like family members I’ve always known. The only thing I DON’T look forward to when we get together as a family like this…is having to leave!

  3. Carolyn July 28, 2023 at 12:13 am - Reply

    I would’ve given almost anything (except my wigs) to have been there! I know the day was filled with everything positive and great!
    If it’s God’s will, I plan to be at the next one! Love you all!
    I also praise God for giving everyone traveling grace to and from the event.

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